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2025 Celebrating 100 Years!
Beach Rules
As approved by the Awosting Association Board of Directors for 2022
Beach & Main Dock Area
Permitted Usage: Members in Good Standing and their non-resident guests may use the beach and surrounding areas. The Boathouse and Main Dock close at 10:30 pm (quiet time from 10:00 pm weekdays and 10:30 pm weekends). Anyone at these facilities after hours may be cited for trespassing, except for those attending an Association sponsored function.
An Awosting-assigned beach badge must be worn or visible to the lifeguards at all times.
Teens: Teen guests must be accompanied by their host.
Operating Months: The Beach will be open for swimming from July to September. Check the Awosting Newsletter or bulletin board for beginning and end dates of lifeguard-supervised swimming.
Lifeguard Hours: During the operating months, the Lifeguards will be on duty from 10am – 6pm every day.
Authority: When a lifeguard is on duty, the lifeguard is in charge. Lifeguards have the authority to enforce the rules of Awosting Beach, and to take disciplinary action in the form of restrictions, if necessary.
Appropriate Play:
No running in or around the dock area.
No rough play or wrestling in or around the water.
Only one person at a time on diving boards.
No hanging from diving boards.
Wheeled Vehicles: Bikes, motorized vehicles, and any kind of skating equipment are not permitted on the dock, boathouse, or beach areas.
Glass Containers: No glass containers of any kind will be permitted in the beach area. No exceptions.
Litter: All litter is to be placed in the receptacles provided. No diapers allowed; these must be taken home.
Dogs: No dogs are allowed on the beach, dock, or boathouse.
Children: Must be at least 12 years of age to use the beach area or swim without a parent, guardian or responsible adult.
A responsible adult must accompany a child (or any non-proficient swimmer) who cannot or has difficulty swimming
Buddy System: All solitary swimming is discouraged. NO SWIMMING ALONE.
Inappropriate Behavior: Persons suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be allowed to enter the water, and will be asked to leave the premises.
Grievances: Any member who has a grievance concerning the beach or any action taken by a lifeguard, please direct your concerns to the Beach Director or the Lifeguard Supervisor. Please do not confront the lifeguard on duty as that prevents the guard from properly watching the swimming area.
Risk: All use of the Main Dock, diving boards and beach is at the risk of the individual.
Posted Rules: Posted rules, and those printed in the directory or on the website, will be enforced. Parents are expected to review these rules with their families and their guests and to uphold them.