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Awosting Dock Rules


As approved by the Awosting Association Board of Directors for 2022


Existing docks along the Parkway and their historical location will be respected by the Awosting Association Board of Directors with the authority to act and to implement the Board's decisions as stated in the Awosting By-Laws Article III Section 1 subject to the following policies: 


  1. All docks currently assigned must be registered and the registration renewed each year.  The registration will be kept on file with the Dock Director. Dock registrations not renewed annually by June 1 will be considered abandoned and may be reassigned to a new registrant by the Board of Directors. 

  2. Dock space can only be rented or leased to a current Awosting resident or active member of the Awosting yacht squadron. A dock registrant is not permitted to sell or transfer their dock space rights to a non-Awosting resident. This is because nonresidents do not have permission to enter the Parkway. The Board recommends that any resident wishing to sell or lease a dock allow neighbors on the dock waitlist first right of refusal. 

  3. Awosting residents who would like a dock or use of dock may add their name to our website wait list.  

  4. New dock construction, alterations and/or additions to an existing dock require approval from the Board. The submission for approval shall include a letter describing the scope of construction or alteration; a scale drawing showing the dimensions between existing and proposed structure, adjacent dock structures on either side, measurements between docks, and the signatures of adjacent dock registrants confirming their awareness of the proposed changes. Approval is only needed if the construction goes beyond the existing dock parameters (e.g., rebuilding the dock after a storm and NOT exceeding the earlier structure's space does NOT require official approval). 

  5. Dock registrants are responsible for any damage caused to the parkway by either themselves or their hired contractor. The registrant must provide a security deposit of $500 to the Board to access the parkway in the event vehicle access is needed. A check to “Awosting Association” should be remitted to the Dock Director one week prior to the start date and the duration of access should be noted in the check notes field. Assuming the project is completed without damage or any damage is repaired, the deposit will be returned in full in a timely manner by notifying the Dock Director that the project is finished. In the event there are unremedied damages to the parkway or access paths, the Board will deduct the cost of repair by an independent contractor from the deposit. If damages exceed $500, additional charges will be assessed. 

  6. For alterations, a minimum "clear" space of 20 feet must be maintained between adjacent docks. All docks must maintain a safe space between vessels on either side as determined by the Board. 

  7. Use of another's dock space without written approval from the registrant on file is strictly prohibited.  

  8. No dock can be used to conduct or operate private or commercial business. 

  9. An existing dock may be considered abandoned after 1 year of non-maintenance or earlier if it is designated a safety hazard and it is not repaired within 30 days after written notice. After abandonment, the Board may remove the dock structure and reassign the dock space to up to two new registrants (side A and side B) from the waitlist with preference given to persons who do not have an existing dock. Within 12 months, the new registrants must register the dockspace, repair or construct their dock and affix to the bulkhead a number assigned by the Board. Failure to comply will be considered a forfeiture of all rights and may result in the dock being reassigned to the next person on the waitlist. 

  10. Any resident assigned an abandoned or condemned dock may not sell the dock (absent sale of home) for at least two years. 

  11. Any and all concerns should be directed to the Docks Director. Should a dispute arise between adjacent dock registrants and an amicable settlement cannot be reached, the registrants of the docks are required to bring their respective grievances before the Board for resolution. The process will occur as follows:  

a. The Board is provided a written description of the problem and the steps taken for resolution by the Dock Director;  

b. The Board receives and reviews all pertinent documents at monthly meeting;  

c. The Board schedules a personal meeting with both dock registrants at next available board meeting to hear grievances and decide the matter;  

d. The Board ruling is final and must be abided by or the dock registrant(s) will cede their right to maintain their registered dock. 

Awosting Association 35 Long Pond Road, Hewitt, NJ 07421

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